Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dean Potter - The uncle of one of my best friends

Wether it be though an emotional drive, survival, or to simply prove an underlying point of being Human. Individuals have been pushing the boundaries of their minds and bodies through extreme sports. Im sure the things that the daring individuals do would seem in-civil and would most likely give someone reason to wind up in a mental hospital 100 years ago.

With the aid of media, extreme sports such as slack lining, base jumping and free soloing have telegraphed into a world wide interest. One of my best friends has an uncle who is one of the leaders of this expanding culture, Dean Potter.

Article on Dean

In this article, Dean describes the activities he does as his art. One might say that it is not an art since it is not physical or colorful. However, if one were to say that art is true self - then Dean is absolutely a very passionate artist. I agree.

"The common thread in my 3-Arts is pushing into fear, exhaustion, beauty and the unknown. I willingly expose myself to death-consequence situations in order to predictably enter heightened awareness. In times when I’m going to die if I mess up, my senses peak in order to survive, and I see, hear, feel, intuit in vast detail, beyond my normal, day-to-day consciousness. This pursuit of heightened awareness is why I put myself in harm’s way."
- Dean Potter

Regarding our discussions in class - Would a machine truly be able to mimic this effect of heightened awareness? Would it always have a heightened awareness? I feel that fear of death isn't something a machine would be able to understand. There would be no "extra push" to survive. Is survival/instinct what makes us human?

"I feel fortunate that I listened to my gut and rational thoughts and “looked before I leaped.” I am more psyched for wingsuit flying than ever before. I feel passionate about advancing human performance, technological advancements in gear, safety and predictability. I am also locked onto safely and repeatedly flying and landing the human form." 
- Dean

Its quite obvious without technology, one or more of his arts would not be possible. Humans cannot fly or glide on their own. This is where technology aids us. A wingsuit mimics the action of a flying squirrel by having sheets of material between the arms and legs. 

Left: Dean Potter using a wingsuit.

It is truly amazing how both art and technology have become so intertwined with one another through these sports. With the help of technology - all of these arts became less physically challenging... since it would be quite physically challenging to jump off of a mountain and expect to fly. Instead, these arts become and become more mentally enduring. I am sure there are copious amounts of metaphors you could make about life through the mind in relationship to technology.

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